Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How To Make Crash Mats

Fishing trips fishing trips

Finally after 4 months repass fishing! And luckily I made a nice drawn.
7 am, gets very cold, I decide to go close to home: Terme municipal, port d 'Ischia, pescatella usual relaxed a mullet with bread and cheese shall be from 9 meters). The line is the usual a nice beam of 0.16 with a float rod and a thin zone of 1.5, 0.75 torpilla fourth shot of 7 to 10 cm from each 'other and 2 of 9 to 15 cm one from 'another slot and a second arm of the terminal 12 and the hooks 16 (142N Gamakatzu) climbed about 30 cm, leaving the probe arm + long supported by about 5 cm on the bottom so that the other is to a few inches from the fund. Start to feed the fish and mullets are not made to wait 1, dropped the first mullet (a pound and 2) the second dropped the second mullet (one pound and four) after some smooth for a Oretta catches one after another, but the size is slightly dminuita (about 8 ounces), then finished their repast, quiet flat. Are already home to 12 x Photos and weighing.
Since I was a little rusty fishing is going really well, maybe if I had a kilo of groundbait in + amused myself twice, but in fishing, and life in general those who are content enjoys. Lately I've been rediscovering the technique of the fixed barrel, it's really exciting to attack this train and fight with them until the 'last inch, making the maximum features and flexibility of the cane each aquisito little trick over the years, because we do not have the 'means of a reel that dispenses those precious inches of wire that we often save fromto break or unhooking. All this almost the same diameter with the terminals from Bologna (in this case I used a 12, with a bolus of 10 to secure a 0.08). Here are the photos

Greetings Andrea

the prox caught

Contatore sito

How To Make Crash Mats

Fishing trips fishing trips

Finally after 4 months repass fishing! And luckily I made a nice drawn.
7 am, gets very cold, I decide to go close to home: Terme municipal, port d 'Ischia, pescatella usual relaxed a mullet with bread and cheese shall be from 9 meters). The line is the usual a nice beam of 0.16 with a float rod and a thin zone of 1.5, 0.75 torpilla fourth shot of 7 to 10 cm from each 'other and 2 of 9 to 15 cm one from 'another slot and a second arm of the terminal 12 and the hooks 16 (142N Gamakatzu) climbed about 30 cm, leaving the probe arm + long supported by about 5 cm on the bottom so that the other is to a few inches from the fund. Start to feed the fish and mullets are not made to wait 1, dropped the first mullet (a pound and 2) the second dropped the second mullet (one pound and four) after some smooth for a Oretta catches one after another, but the size is slightly dminuita (about 8 ounces), then finished their repast, quiet flat. Are already home to 12 x Photos and weighing.
Since I was a little rusty fishing is going really well, maybe if I had a kilo of groundbait in + amused myself twice, but in fishing, and life in general those who are content enjoys. Lately I've been rediscovering the technique of the fixed barrel, it's really exciting to attack this train and fight with them until the 'last inch, making the maximum features and flexibility of the cane each aquisito little trick over the years, because we do not have the 'means of a reel that dispenses those precious inches of wire that we often save fromto break or unhooking. All this almost the same diameter with the terminals from Bologna (in this case I used a 12, with a bolus of 10 to secure a 0.08). Here are the photos

Greetings Andrea

the prox caught

Contatore sito

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

English Prams Antique

Ehhh ... * Sigh *

English Prams Antique

Ehhh ... * Sigh *

I Need A Solo Lyrical Costume

Live Together, Die Alone!

hate to be put aside ... and not suffering from exhibitionism and / or victims, do not deny that being the "first woman" I have always liked it, but when I do not do anything aside ... I do not react! I'm there, "accept" the situation and will not lift a finger to make changes, rather they are a defeatist ... if something does not go your way I do so precipitous.
And I'm sick ... but nobody has to know! Why I hate being put aside, even more hatred "make trouble".
And so it goes on forever. "Live Together, Die Alone!" this is always been my motto!

I Need A Solo Lyrical Costume

Live Together, Die Alone!

hate to be put aside ... and not suffering from exhibitionism and / or victims, do not deny that being the "first woman" I have always liked it, but when I do not do anything aside ... I do not react! I'm there, "accept" the situation and will not lift a finger to make changes, rather they are a defeatist ... if something does not go your way I do so precipitous.
And I'm sick ... but nobody has to know! Why I hate being put aside, even more hatred "make trouble".
And so it goes on forever. "Live Together, Die Alone!" this is always been my motto!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tech Deck Game Online


disappears, I go back, it disappears again, return ... are as follows: fickle!
Like many of the rest, but I come back ... at the end away!
Like now, for example, the winter approaching, the rain, cold, I feel "unstable" and seeking shelter elsewhere.

Like when you put in front of the fireplace ... I even put me to warm up in flames, with the certainty of burning (burning) but also not to feel cold! I have no middle ground, who knows me knows!
All or nothing ... I've got the foreman hard! (Cited)

Tech Deck Game Online


disappears, I go back, it disappears again, return ... are as follows: fickle!
Like many of the rest, but I come back ... at the end away!
Like now, for example, the winter approaching, the rain, cold, I feel "unstable" and seeking shelter elsewhere.

Like when you put in front of the fireplace ... I even put me to warm up in flames, with the certainty of burning (burning) but also not to feel cold! I have no middle ground, who knows me knows!
All or nothing ... I've got the foreman hard! (Cited)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Separate Wedding Celebration

The Fund Akadama

What I am presenting today is my new fund for the construction of a plantacquario .
E 'for 10 years who are passionate the world of' aquarium, and in all these years I was always looking for how to grow plants well my beloved in particular Alternathere of all types and genres.
During this passion I have encountered various problems, including one of these was "the Fund".

Two years ago I decided to build my car my second tank of 500 liters dedicated exclusively to the plants. I started with a classic cross Quartz + peat + Sera Flordepot + DeponitMix , li per li tutto andava secondo i piani stabiliti la crescita delle piante era abbastanza rigogliosa per i primi mesi poi tutto ad un tratto cominciai a notare che le piante crescevano solo verso l'alto, anche se pompavo 550W HQI Osram D che erano ottime.
E con tutti i fertilizzanti giusti e dovuti :
1) Sera
2) Anubias
3) Dennerle
4) Seachem

non sapevo più che fare per far crescere giustamente alcune piante come

Cabomba Corallina Green
Micranthemum umbrosum
Alternathera Roseafolia

you always had the same problems: with lots of aerial roots or bats, and the ring started going up.
was obvious that this situation could not grow or claim, lawns or plants details.

So looking around on the various posts as I found the creation of the fund in Akadama .

Before the new fund, I had to document all the positive and negative effects of our soil and I have to say that thanks to the blog of Claudio and pages of Nanito , I
cleared enough ideas on how to do.
Now some have done in the bottom Akadama Pozzolana + + + Peat Osmocote. What is my
was slightly varied with

Akadama Akadama Fine + Media + Middle + Peat + Lapillo Volcanic Greenstick Tetra

Amount taken to fund the construction of about 10cm high

No. 1 bag of peat granules 1kg

Lapillo Volcanic Grosso No. 2 (10-15mm) 5 lt

No. 4 Akadama Quality Hard Big Media (double red line) 5 lt

No. 3 Akadama Hard Quality Fine (double red line) from 12lt


I rinsed in a colander peat, volcanic lapillus, and the ' Akadama coarse and fine, this is to prevent excessive dust that was emerging.


said this pass immediately to the most interesting.

1) So the first thing I put the heating cable (others think it is useless but I do not think so)

2) For the second thing I scattered 's Akadama end at the edges of the glass so you do not see what you put into

3) Then I poured about 150g Initial Stick to the Tetra provide support to the fund not yet active.

4) I added a bag of peat granules and granules scattered over Initial Stick Tetra, as you can see:

5) I entered the volcanic lapillus medium / large center:

6) I inserted ' Akadama medium / large

7) And finally, I covered everything with the' Akadama order that gave a nice effect you miei occhi:

Ora la prima cosa che ho fatto dopo aver rifatto il fondo è stata quella di reinserire l'acqua senza sollevare ovviamente troppo pulviscolo, infatti dopo circa un 1 ora di funzionamento del filtro si riusciva a vedere già il fondo ed i vetri posteriori.

Acquario 1

Dopo circa 1 ora di pieno regime del filtro la nebbia e quasi scomparsa ed ho cominciato a sistemare i legni e l'arredamento.

Acquario 2

I entered the first plants and also in the fleet, which was suffering from a dry 14lt.

Acquario 3

And now after 4 hours of full capacity the water is crystal clear and beautiful, the enquilini are already dividing the country.

Acquario 4

Cabomba As you can see the Reef and in great shape never had been so before now.

Acquario 6

I hope to be proved helpful in building your next fund.

Separate Wedding Celebration

The Fund Akadama

What I am presenting today is my new fund for the construction of a plantacquario .
E 'for 10 years who are passionate the world of' aquarium, and in all these years I was always looking for how to grow plants well my beloved in particular Alternathere of all types and genres.
During this passion I have encountered various problems, including one of these was "the Fund".

Two years ago I decided to build my car my second tank of 500 liters dedicated exclusively to the plants. I started with a classic cross Quartz + peat + Sera Flordepot + DeponitMix , li per li tutto andava secondo i piani stabiliti la crescita delle piante era abbastanza rigogliosa per i primi mesi poi tutto ad un tratto cominciai a notare che le piante crescevano solo verso l'alto, anche se pompavo 550W HQI Osram D che erano ottime.
E con tutti i fertilizzanti giusti e dovuti :
1) Sera
2) Anubias
3) Dennerle
4) Seachem

non sapevo più che fare per far crescere giustamente alcune piante come

Cabomba Corallina Green
Micranthemum umbrosum
Alternathera Roseafolia

you always had the same problems: with lots of aerial roots or bats, and the ring started going up.
was obvious that this situation could not grow or claim, lawns or plants details.

So looking around on the various posts as I found the creation of the fund in Akadama .

Before the new fund, I had to document all the positive and negative effects of our soil and I have to say that thanks to the blog of Claudio and pages of Nanito , I
cleared enough ideas on how to do.
Now some have done in the bottom Akadama Pozzolana + + + Peat Osmocote. What is my
was slightly varied with

Akadama Akadama Fine + Media + Middle + Peat + Lapillo Volcanic Greenstick Tetra

Amount taken to fund the construction of about 10cm high

No. 1 bag of peat granules 1kg

Lapillo Volcanic Grosso No. 2 (10-15mm) 5 lt

No. 4 Akadama Quality Hard Big Media (double red line) 5 lt

No. 3 Akadama Hard Quality Fine (double red line) from 12lt


I rinsed in a colander peat, volcanic lapillus, and the ' Akadama coarse and fine, this is to prevent excessive dust that was emerging.


said this pass immediately to the most interesting.

1) So the first thing I put the heating cable (others think it is useless but I do not think so)

2) For the second thing I scattered 's Akadama end at the edges of the glass so you do not see what you put into

3) Then I poured about 150g Initial Stick to the Tetra provide support to the fund not yet active.

4) I added a bag of peat granules and granules scattered over Initial Stick Tetra, as you can see:

5) I entered the volcanic lapillus medium / large center:

6) I inserted ' Akadama medium / large

7) And finally, I covered everything with the' Akadama order that gave a nice effect you miei occhi:

Ora la prima cosa che ho fatto dopo aver rifatto il fondo è stata quella di reinserire l'acqua senza sollevare ovviamente troppo pulviscolo, infatti dopo circa un 1 ora di funzionamento del filtro si riusciva a vedere già il fondo ed i vetri posteriori.

Acquario 1

Dopo circa 1 ora di pieno regime del filtro la nebbia e quasi scomparsa ed ho cominciato a sistemare i legni e l'arredamento.

Acquario 2

I entered the first plants and also in the fleet, which was suffering from a dry 14lt.

Acquario 3

And now after 4 hours of full capacity the water is crystal clear and beautiful, the enquilini are already dividing the country.

Acquario 4

Cabomba As you can see the Reef and in great shape never had been so before now.

Acquario 6

I hope to be proved helpful in building your next fund.