Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bandana Bathing Suits

A woman said ... A man

Men do not change
Before about love and then they leave you alone


you change And you cry a thousand nights because

Instead, the men

kill you and your friends are laughing at you ...

Bandana Bathing Suits

A woman said ... A man

Men do not change
Before about love and then they leave you alone


you change And you cry a thousand nights because

Instead, the men

kill you and your friends are laughing at you ...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hair Waxingbrazilian Stockholm

Hair Waxingbrazilian Stockholm

Sunday, April 5, 2009

2 Years Of Back And Rib Pain

Christmas ... even if it is almost Easter!


I do not want to dive

in a ball of roads

I'm so tired


well as a

placed in a

corner and forgotten

not feel
the heat I'm good

with the four

[Christmas - Giuseppe Ungaretti]

2 Years Of Back And Rib Pain

Christmas ... even if it is almost Easter!


I do not want to dive

in a ball of roads

I'm so tired


well as a

placed in a

corner and forgotten

not feel
the heat I'm good

with the four

[Christmas - Giuseppe Ungaretti]

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Where Gay Men Cruise In Pa

Explain why torment me!?

Where Gay Men Cruise In Pa

Explain why torment me!?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oakley Replacement Goggle Lenses

The key to the problem!

Usually when you make me listen to a song I take it as a subliminal message and I think you know (at least I hope so) because the last I did this effect. And you know what I like to think? What "if I have a brother who loves me is you!

Oakley Replacement Goggle Lenses

The key to the problem!

Usually when you make me listen to a song I take it as a subliminal message and I think you know (at least I hope so) because the last I did this effect. And you know what I like to think? What "if I have a brother who loves me is you!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Alpine Car Alarm Diagram

Nutritional deficiencies in the aquarium plants

Hello everyone today as the importance given to our beloved plants, we wanted to expose my research I've done over the last period on nutritional deficiency.

First you need to know the terms that are used in nutritional deficiencies of plants

Necrosis - result in the death of whole plants or parts of leaves

Necrotic - Smudges or death (brown or black) on leaves

Chlorosis - Yellowing of the leaf tissue. A common symptom of deficiency because many nutrients directly or indirectly affect the process of photosynthesis. If the leaves are yellow, this is a sure sign that something was seriously wrong in your plants

of Intervenale Chlorosis - yellowing between leaf veins but the veins are still green is

Rosetta - very short internodes between leaves

Spot - Small specks or dots on the leaves

Spotted - lit green areas, non-green areas on leaves.


nitrogen deficiencies often appear first in older leaves that appear with an aspect of green light.

With the progress of symptoms, the leaves change color to yellow and the leaves fall weak and lower. Necrosis develops in older leaves. The new growth becomes weak and slender. Tops and roots grow slowly.

Excess nitrogen makes the leaves turn to dark green and the plants can become susceptible to drought, disease.

Nitrogen is crucial to photosynthesis and reproductive function. The nitrogen is protein and is essential to the new growth of a cell. Nitrogen is mainly used for the growth of leaf and stem.

Nitrogen moves easily from old leaves to new leaves. The nitrogen is involved in the structure of amino acids and enzymes (specialized proteins) and in nucleic acids.

This is essential for cell division and most of the functions of the plant.

Obviously, nitrogen is essential to plant growth.

Phosphorus Phosphorus - (P)) appear in the deficiencies of phosphorus oldest part first. You will see that the leaf tips curling down. When phosphorus is low in the plant, it will slow growth.

phosphorus deficiency in the leaves often show patches of dark green to blue. In severe cases, the older leaves and leaf stems vireranno to red / purple.

The youngest leaves appear yellowish green with purple veins when the phosphorus is low.

The leaves have necrotic spots on margins in the advanced stages of phosphorus deficiency. The leaf tips are burned as. Phosphorus deficiency is more common when the pH is above 7 or below 5.5.

Excess phosphorus can cause deficiencies of zinc and iron.

Plants use phosphorus for photosynthesis, respiration, storing carbohydrates, cell division, transport of energy (ATP, ADP), nucleic acids, enzymes.

Phosphorus builds strong roots and is vital for the production of seed of flowers.

Some plants require a lot of phosphorus, but most require more potassium and more nitrogen and phosphorus as magnesium and more.

excessive phosphorus decreases in the absorption of zinc, iron and copper, which begins a reaction chain from macro to micro nutrient deficiencies.


potassium deficiencies show up first in older leaves, they show: Yellowish; singed the edge of the leaf and small necrotic areas, which gradually become always

larger: the stems are brittle, accompanied dall'appassimento the tips of the leaves, chlorosis intervenale begins at the base of young and / or old leaves can bend down.

the whole growing season, plants grow too slow and / or be arrested.

Excess potassium hinders the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

Potassium is essential for the function and formation of enzymes and proteins. It is also essential in the regulation of osmotic pressure and in most cellular metabolic processes.


The calcium deficiency show up first in new leaves. Calcium moves slowly within the plant and is concentrated in roots and older leaves. And this shows that the deficiency in

new young growth. Symptoms of deficiency of calcium include: the tips of the leaves, the leaf and the new round of sharp growth in the washer; chlorosis, necrosis, altered margins of the leaf, the leaf

spills is turning brown or black dying. The severe deficiency leads to a complete stop of growth.

In other stages of growth, excess calcium impairs the absorption of magnesium and potassium.

Calcium is transported by water to plant tissues, calcium is immobile, can not easily be moved from old leaves to new ones and so that it can cause severe reduction in new leaves.

calcium deficiencies are stubby and twisted roots and can cause death. Severe calcium deficiency can destroy all new leaf growth and cause mutations.

Calcium is crucial to elongation of the cell and is an important component in cell membranes. It acts as a binding agent between cells and improves the absorption of ions such as nitrate, sulfate,

boron and molybdenum. Calcium is important for the absorption of most of the macro and micro nutrients.


Magnesium deficiencies show up first in older leaves. The symptoms begin from the edge. Half of the leaf veins remain green while leaf margins are yellow, white or off

sometimes leaving a green arrow-shaped tip of the blade in the center "V". Cloris intervenale begins in the older leaves and moves toward the young leaves, when the magnesium deficiency

becomes more severe. Sometimes it is accompanied by the tips of the curled up leaf. The Cloris intervenale can begin at the center of the leaf margins and continue to last. Chloritic spots

intervenali / yellow necrotic spots and then progress with burned edges. In some cases, the leaves die and fall.

Deficiencies of magnesium show defective production of buds and developing shoots inadequate.

The excessive magnesium hinders the absorption of calcium and potassium.

Plants use magnesium to produce chlorophyll, Rule enzymes for the transport of nutrients and carbohydrates in the plant, the replica cells;. Magnesium is an important cofactor in the production of ATP, the compound that helps plants to transfer. It is also a bridge between the activity of ATP and enzymes.



Le Deficienze appaiono sulle foglie più vecchie. Poi appaiono sulle più giovani , le foglie virano su un verde leggero e poi giallo. Questi sintomi sono accompagnati dalla crescita lenta. Le foglie perdono il

colore, ma le vene rimangono il verde. I sintomi di deficienza di zolfo sono facilmente riconoscibili e sono frequentemente confuso con i sintomi di deficienza di azoto.

Un'overdose di zolfo può causare una caduta delle foglie prematura . Alcune piante richiedono zolfo come fanno per il fosforo. Lo zolfo è un componente di cystine ed il methionine (Amino acids that

invents the plant proteins). Sulfur is then a component of plant proteins. He also has a major role in the production of root growth and chlorophyll. Sulfur is essential to the production of seed

and robustness of the plant. Activator is a compound of enzyme and coenzyme. Sulfur improves the taste and smell, it is also a formative part of chloroplast proteins and nucleic acids. Deficiency

sulfur decreases protein synthesis and causes significant reduction in levels of chlorophyll of a leaf.


deficiencies appear first in young leaves, they tend to turn yellow. The boron deficiency resemble calcium deficiency. Symptoms include arrest, discoloration, death of growing tips, and

floral abortion. The deficiencies of boron stop the roots, and leaves creates fragile that appear bronzed or burned. The symptoms of boron deficiency appear first on the growing tips. This results in an appearance

stunted and short internodes (the rosetting). The margins of the leaves fade and die. The necrotic spots develop between leaf veins. The leaves become thick and may wither

con conseguenze necrotico e clorotico. Se si ha una deficienza di potassio, le piante avranno la difficoltà di assorbire il boro. Il boro eccessivo può causare gli stessi tipi di problemi della deficienza di

calcio. Per complicare le questioni, i sintomi di boro eccessivo possono assomigliare ai sintomi di boro insufficiente. Il boro è usato per il trasporto di zucchero dentro la pianta. Aiuta la replicazione della

cellula, la produzione di amminoacidi, l'impollinazione, la produzione di semenza, la sintesi di carboidrato ed il trasporto, la divisione cellulare, la differenziazione, la maturazione, la respirazione e la crescita,

ed il comprendonio of water. Boron is essential for plant growth. Boron is received from the roots and the xylem transports to other parts of the plant. Boron is involved in lignification of cell membranes

and differentiation of xylem. Boron also plays a role in the synthesis of cell membranes. as well as in the stabilization of the constituents of the cell membrane and cell membranes

. Deficiency of boron is now in inhibiting growth of primary and secondary roots.


deficiencies are rare, and form Cloris in young leaves. Cobalt is a "bridge" of chelation which assists the absorption of nitrogen and other metals. It is also required for some bacteria and algae. The

cobalt is essential to the use and nitrogen.


deficiencies first appear on the tips of young leaves and shoots. The older leaves develop Cloris, growing tips and shoots die have little development. The

copper deficiencies cause irregular growth of leaves and a pale green fade margins of the leaf. The leaves on the top of the plant will wilt first, followed by areas

chlorotic and necrotic leaves, and / or necrosis in the center of the stem of the plant). The excess copper is extremely dangerous to plants. Plants can develop iron chlorosis, stunted growth

and stunted root development. The toxic accumulation of copper occurs faster in acidic soils. The copper activates several enzymes, is needed for photosynthesis, and assists the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein

. Intensifies the color and taste. It is essential in many enzyme systems and respiration of the plant. Copper is a divalent cation and is employed by the plant as Cu + or as a complex

of chelated copper. The copper deficiency harms suffered the activity of enzymes.

Chlorine Chlorine is essential for plant growth. It 'important for photosynthesis. It is an activator of enzyme which assists the production of oxygen from the water. Plants use chlorine as a chloride ion. Helps

open and close the runners by increasing the osmotic pressure in cells. Because of the excessive chlorine burned tips and margins young. If the levels of Chlorine is too high. The high levels of chlorine cause

also leaves with a yellowish bronze color, and are slow to develop. Chlorine is commonly used to treat drinking water.


deficiencies appear in the middle-aged and old leaves, and then shows the young. Molybdenum is rarely sufficient in most plants, but chlorosis symptoms are similar to nitrogen deficiency

, with burns on the edge of the leaf. Molybdenum deficiency often occurs when sulfur and phosphorus are insufficient. The deficiency also shows the pale leaves (similar to nitrogen deficiency

). new leaves may twist and could form the leaves to scoop (cupped) and may swell. The excessive molybdenum deficiency resembles iron or copper. The

Molybdenum is needed to offset the reduction in ammonia nitrate into amino acids before the constitution. Performs this function as part of this reduction of nitrate enzyme.

In addition to directing the functions of plant, molybdenum is used for the fixation of nitrogen from nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Molybdenum is present mainly in the form of MoO4. Depend dalle condizioni

ambientali un ione di molibdato può accettare un o due protoni. Il Molybdenum è direttamente coinvolto nella riduzione di azoto.



Le Deficienze appaiono sulle giovani foglie prima: sviluppano la clorosi di intervenale (giallognole tra le vene o chiazzate lateralmente lungo i margini di foglia). Lo scoloramento va dal verde leggero a bianco,

ma le vene rimangono il verde. Il manganese diventa insufficiente se la zona di radice o l'acidità dell'acqua va molto al di sopra di 6,9. Le deficienze di Mn severe causano macchie sulla leaf type

necrotic, forming the leaves to drop. Deficiencies of Mn are similar to severe magnesium deficiency. The excessive manganese hinders the absorption of plant zinc and iron. Also slows down

overall plant growth, causing chlorotic spots surrounded by circles, the older leaves. If you add calcium or phosphorus to plants, plants will need more

manganese. Manganese works with plant enzymes to reduce nitrates and aid in the production of protein. Manganese is involved in

germination of pollen, plant respiration, photosynthesis, and assimilation of nitrogen. Enable multiple enzymes and plays a key role in the chloroplast membrane system.

Iron Iron deficiency is common in many plants. Deficiencies show up first as intervenale of chlorosis in young leaves with veins of green while the older leaves

remain unchanged. The leaves are smaller than normal. Iron deficiency is particularly a problem in alkaline conditions. The iron is more bioavailable nutrient and water becomes more acidic. In severe cases

, in new leaves lacking chlorophyll, but show little or no necrotic spots. Chlorotic blotches begin in immature or young leaves at the base of leaves, to form a strip

yellow in the leaf itself. Cold temperatures, creating deficiencies of Fe. Iron is difficult for plants to absorb and transport. The excessive iron causes bronzing of the leaves with small spots

brown. Plants use iron to the protein and nucleic acid metabolism, the formation of chlorophyll and electron transport. The ratio of iron and sulfur available to plants directly affects

their ability to receive nitrogen.

Zinc Zinc deficiencies are among the most serious deficiencies of micronutrients and should be corrected as soon as they are diagnosed immediately. The first shows itself deficiency chlorosis of intervenale

more pronounced in young leaves in the middle. You could also see intervenali yellowish areas, which begins at the tip of the leaf and the edge and hitting all the points at the end of the growing

plant. The plant grows in a rosette (rosetting). Other signs of zinc deficiency include gray brown spots that form boobies foglie a metà strada. Quando l'inizio di deficienza di zinco è

improvvisa, la clorosi può apparire ed essere identica alla deficienza di ferro e manganese.

La tossicità di zinco eccessiva somiglia spesso alla deficienza di rame perché ne ostacola l'assorbimento. I sintomi di alcune malattie da fungo e virali possono assomigliare a dei sintomi di zinco in eccesso,

che si può manifestare come foglie arricciate all'insù. Lo zinco eccessivo può causare deficienze di ferro e nei casi estremi che può causare la morte di pianta, ma è insolito avere lo zinco eccessivo. Lo zinco

migliora la funzione chlorophyll.

summarized in this table:

Symptoms suspicious











Over Fertilize
Yellowing of younger leaves green green
Yellowing of leaves Medium green
Yellowing of older leaves green green green green
Yellowing intervenale green & # 160; green
The old leaves fall green                    
Foglie arricciate verso il sopra       green  
Leaves curled downward green green green
Burning on the tip of the youngest leaves ; green
Burning on the tip of older leaves green green
Young leaves wrinkled and curled green green green green
death Areas leaves green green green green green


green green ;
leaves and / or stems, dark green / purple green & # 160;
Leaves pale green green green
leaves with spots or Zebrate ; green
Leaves tapering green & # 160;    
Soft steli green   green                
Hard / fragili steli   green green & # 160;
Small holes in the leaves green green
stunting and root growth (aeere) green
withered leaves & # 160; green

Photo Gallery Nutritional deficiencies:


carenza_potassio k potassio


mg mg 1 mg deficit


no3 - 6592


fe def3 fe def fe def1

Continued ... ... ... ...